Monday, March 30, 2015

Glamour and Greed: The Roaring 20's

"The Roaring 20's", or, "The Jazz Age" was a time when America saw a big change in social skills, fashion, music, entertainment, literature, religion, and mannerisms.  There were many many bitter feuds over issues such as evolution in schools, the Ku Klux Klan, immigration, race, prohibition, and women's roles.  The 1920's was a time of Glamour and Greed, good and bad things came from it.  Women finally earning their right to vote, popular poetry and art, classic novels and plays came from the glittering and short decade, but a high rate of murders and crimes did as well.  America really started to come into it's own during this period.  Famous authors, musicians and artists all made their mark on the world, such as author F. Scott Fitzgerald, poet E. E. Cummings, and artist Charles Demuth. New inventions came naturally with the new age and trends, for example, bathtub gin, flappers and raccoon coats.

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